How to Make an Omelet. Choosing Ingredients European style butter is best for an omelet because the fat content is slightly higher than that of most American style butters. Always use unsalted butter, then add salt to the eggs, so you have greater control over the seasoning. Use good eggs, preferably local. Eggs are the main component of this dish the more flavorful they are, the better your omelet will be. They should be at room temperature, to allow your omelet to cook quickly and evenly. Leave them on the counter for an hour before cooking, or let them sit covered in warm water for 2. Dont overbeat your eggs. Beat them lightly, just until the white and yolks are well mixed and uniform in color, but not airy or bubbly. British chef and TV personality Jamie Oliver shows you how to make the perfect omlette in just minutes A good omelette is soft and custardlike, golden yellow and best eaten while still hot from the skillet. Heres an easy recipe you can make at home. How To Cook An Egg Omelet Discover The Best Recipes Breakfasts, Lunches, Dinner, Snacks, and Desserts. HOW TO COOK AN EGG OMELET Food Network Tv. Theres quite possibly no basic food more difficult to nail than the omelet. Turn away from the stove for too long, and you could come back to a tough, rubbery. Try this classic omelette for brunch or serve with lots of green salad for a quick and satisfying dinner. How To Make An Omelet' title='How To Make An Omelet' />Enjoy our favorite healthy omelet recipesperfect for a hearty start to the day, weekend brunch, or breakfastfordinner dish. If you introduce too much air into the eggs by whipping them, youll end up with something closer to an omelet mousseline see the recipe below rather than the classic dish. For fluffier eggs, add up to a tablespoon of diced cold butter into the beaten eggs before cooking. Use an absolutely clean frying pan. Dont cook the eggs in bacon fat or any singed leftovers that will alter the look and taste of your omelet. Be judicious with the butter in the pan. You just need enough to coat the pan lightly but thoroughly about 1 tablespoon. Do not use too much, or the eggs will be heavy and greasy rather than light. For extra flavor, brown the butter in the pan before adding the eggs. For richer eggs, after folding the omelet, smear the top with softened butter or crme frache before serving. This is also a good way to get garnishes to stick to the top, caviar and herbs in particular. Cooking and Folding the Omelet. Youve got three main technique options for cooking an omelet. While all will get you to the same end result of ethereal scrambled eggs encased in a gossamer shell, cooks generally prefer one method over the others. Try them, and see which one works best for you. Note that all are doing the same thing introducing air into the eggs by beating them until they are fluffy, then letting the bottom set so it holds all those light, eggy curds. As with any new technique, practice makes all the difference here. So after choosing the method you like best, practice it until you get it just right for your taste. Cooking Spinach more. You can fold your omelet either in half or thirds as desired. Both are traditional. The Swirl Method Pour the eggs into the hot pan, then vigorously swirl the pan, shaking it back and forth to agitate the eggs until the center is fluffy and filled with large curds of eggs, and the bottom sets. Shake some more until the eggs start to flip over themselves, then slide the omelet onto a plate, either in half, or use a fork or spatula to fold into thirds.