Keep Flies Away

Keep Flies Away

Click here to learn how to keep ants away with our ant prevention guide. Best Ways to Control Your Pest Problem. About Us Contact Us Privacy Policy Earnings Disclaimer Terms and Conditions KeepBugsAway. How to Keep Flies Away with 3 things you have at homeI wish I hadnt promised that Id never mention bugs on my blog again, because last weekend a friend gave me a tip that just BLEW MY MIND. And it had to do with repelling flies with three things you have on hand RIGHT NOW. So if you dont want to know, Ill understand simply cover your ears and say lalalala until the post is over. But for the rest of you, read on to learn my friends trick for how to keep your next outdoor party fly free One of my college BFFs came for a visit recently and after sitting down for a nice dinner on the deck we started to get bombarded with that pesky summer staple FLIES. Dont you know the fly trick college BFFWhat fly trick meThe pennies in the cup fly trick. BFFId heard rumors of people using plastic baggies filled with water and pennies to repel flies in their home, but hadnt thought to take the action outdoors. So I followed her directions and filled up three glasses with water and a few pennies about 4 5, placed them around the food, and watched. We watched the flies come in to land, see the water, and turn around and ZOOM AWAY. Glass Water Pennies crazy fly repelling abilities. It was unreal. Id say it reduced the flies by about 9. At one point we looked up and the flies were just sitting on the deck railing staring at all the food they couldnt ruin. RE ENACTMENT Weve used the fly trick each outdoor meal since. The more glasses full of water, the better the fly repelling ability. The kids think this is the coolest thing ever and have learned not to drink the water with the pennies in it. It was also mentioned that older tarnished pennies work best, though I dont have evidence to back it up. If the trick isnt working for you, try using older pennies. Apparently it has something to do with flies thinking the pennies were compound eyes of a much larger bug looking back at them. To us, they just look like coppery decorations that glittered in the sunlight. Theyre so PRETTY my kids sighed. For more ideas for repelling bugs, be sure to read how to use essential oils to repel everything from mosquitoes to ticks to lice. And then I wont talk about bugs EVER AGAIN. Summers almost over and then Ill go back to pumpkins and room makeovers, I promise. Probably. But until then, dont be surprised if you come over to visit and theres penny filled cups everywhere with sad looking flies lined up on the railing. Did you know this trick KABOOM, right Give it a try and let me know if it works for you too Meet Carrie Higgins. Dreamer, thinker, lemon squeezer youll usually find me clutching a mug of coffee, glue gun, fandeck of paint colors, and a child at any given time. This mom of two and wife to one loves to share freshly squeezed ideas for home and family. Keep Flies Away' title='Keep Flies Away' />Join the adventure as we learn most lemons can indeed become lemonade with generous amounts of sweetness, perspective, and love. Tell Us How You Keep the Bugs Away When Youre Outside. Oh, summer Short shorts and long nights, beach days and bike rides for three months, life just feels more buoyant and carefree. Except when there are bugs to contend with. Warm weather potentially invites many unwelcome pests into our homes and outdoor spaces. Luckily, there are a few solid things you can do to keep annoying and possibly dangerous bees away from your picnic. How to get rid of Cluster Flies and keep them away Kill the adults to prevent them laying eggs in surrounding grass. Kill the larvae in the grass to prevent the. Lets insectproof your summer, shall we Here are some facts, tips, and products to help keep mosquitoes away from your backyard and other outdoor spaces. Get tips on how to keep flies away from the delicate parts of your horses face. There is something particularly annoying about a fly buzzing around your head while you are trying to relax outside on a beautiful day. Fortunately, there are ways to. As it turns out, I am an absolute bug magnet. Mosquitos and midges, black flies and bees, gnats and no see ems they all love me and whatever it is Im eating or drinking. And that puts a real damper on my outdoor fun. Short of running for shelter, how can I keep those bugs awayCan you help My relationship with bugs is long and itchy. If a biting insect has the choice between you and me, it will definitely choose me. When I am running, gnats fly into my eyes, mouth, ears, and hair. When I am idling outside, minding my own business, I get stung. I have even been stalked by a tarantula. Is that even a bug It was so big and furry. Then theres the problem of bugs getting into my food and drink. Flies in my wine Check. Ants in my sandwich Check, check. When I was a kid, a wasp flew into my brothers container of juice. He drank the juice, spit the wasp out and I, thinking it was dead, went to pick it up with a paper towel only to get a stinger in my finger. Naturally. Despite the one sided attraction, I havent really done a whole lot in the way of prevention. Beef Fried Rice on this page. To protect myself, Ive tried bug sprays natural and not so natural, but they tend to be ineffective, smell terrible, contain chemicals I dont really want to be putting on my skin, or some combination of the above. To protect my food and drink, Ive mostly been inclined to take the swat and run approach i. But this summer, its a resolution of mine to spend as much time outdoors as possible. That means going into the season with a plan and I need your help.

Keep Flies Away
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