Find pomegranate recipes, videos, and ideas from Food Network. Muhammara Arabic reddened or mhammara is a hot pepper dip originally from Aleppo, Syria, found in Levantine and Turkish cuisines. Eggplant with Buttermilk Sauce recipe. The original recipe in Plenty was for 2. C4. 00F. This is an error. I have made this several times at 4. F. Its amazing. I would advise baking it for 4. The pomegranates add a beautiful high note to meatier eggplant and the sauce as simple as it is, brings it all together. It always gets rave reviews. I love this recipe. I got my zaatar from www. I added some tahini with the yogurt. I read some of the reviews and baked the eggplant for 1 hour at 4. Cut the pomegranates in halves and squeeze their juice. You can take all the seeds out and squeeze their juice in a potato ricer. Large selection of specialty and gourmet condiments jams and jellies and 100 fruitsweetened spreads, chutneys and apple butter, mustards, dessert sauces, salad. This is a great eggplant recipe. Yumm Whomever posted this recipe left a rather egregious mistake for the uninitiated. The temperature to bake the eggplant at is NOT 2. F Its 4. 00. F, where 2. How Long To Grill A Steak. C Celsius. Boy did that piss me off. Tips on natural cures, nutrition, beauty, health, and fitness. Almond flour pancakes are naturally gluten free and are full of protein. Delicious, light and fluffy, a wonderful pancake breakfast. Paleo friendly With over 90 pomegranate recipes, youre sure to find your new favorite pomegranate salad. Try one of our fresh pomegranate drinks, or put a new spin on dinner with. Being from Memphis, Ive been a bit nervous about crafting a recipe for barbecue sauce. Rv-X7zqg0kCwtBRHF5xarN5v-4/fit-in/500x500/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2012/10/43/5/192/1922729/e900f4f44dc0d51f_IMG_4617/i/Cranberry-Pomegranate-Sauce-Recipe.JPG' alt='Pomegranate Sauce' title='Pomegranate Sauce' />Thankfully, I found the same recipe elsewhere with the CORRECT temperature. Great recipe, bad editing. Ok, so I finally made this recipe for a small dinner party last weekend. It was amazing I made the buttermilk sauce and it had tons of flavor. Everyone over it. Substitutions are easy and taste fine, too. I substituted sumac and fresh time to sprinkle on tope since I had misplaced my zatar and I had to use a bit of regular yogurt since I did not have enough Greek yogurt on hand. CC_convenience-store-thanksgiving-cranberry-apple-pomegranate-sauce-recipe_s4x3.jpg.rend.hgtvcom.616.462.suffix/1410208745524.jpeg' alt='Pomegranate Sauce' title='Pomegranate Sauce' />Also we had it without the pomegranate seeds on top and they were not missed. After realizing Id forgotten it I put some dried cranberries and a tiny bit of pom molasses on the last half of eggplant to see how it was and that was good too. Mole m o l e, m o l i Spanish pronunciation from Nahuatl mlli, sauce is the generic name for a number of sauces originally used in. Ive wanted to make this recipe because the chef who created it is genius. But, I can tell that the sauce would be bland and tgenittermlk looks like it should be cheese to get a little more flavor from it. Has anyone tried it with cheese melted o. It What type would compliment the eggplant, spices and pomegranate Thanks I also have the cookbook and have made this several times, always getting rave reviews from guests. We werent impressed the first couple of times we made it, but kept making adjustments until we were happy. We grill the eggplant instead of baking in the oven and grill it until it is absolutely soft and tender inside. We grill it with zaatar sprinkled on top of the olive oil and salt. Add more zaatar at the end. I dont bother with the buttermilk. Just increase the amount of yoghurt in the dressing. We rarely have pomegranates available so just use dried cranberries instead. Despite completely forgetting that you cant get pomegranates in Oregon in March, I made this last night and really enjoyed it. I substituted dried cranberries to try and emulate the color pop and sweet tartness, and it was okay but will probably just wait for pomegranate season next time. Husband and I made this from the Plenty cookbook, which does say to cook at 4. F. We took them out at the 3. I agree with fellow reviewers that an hour might have been just a little better. Served with Zaatar Chicken with Green Tahini this site. I wish I had read the reviews before cooking because I did it at 2. F and ended up cooking it for an hour and a half and it was still difficult to pull out of the skin. I used Israeli Zatyr instead of Syrian and loved the flavor. Will do as everyone suggests next time and cook at 4. This recipe is amazing A great dish to impress friends and its so easy Definitely bake at 4. F for 1 hour. I have made this 3 times in the last 2 months. Love it I didnt have what I considered the key ingredients pomegranate, zaatar or lemon thyme. I just skipped the first two and used regular thyme and we still enjoyed it. Tasty. i really like just how this recipe looks i eaten it before with my children most of us enjoyed this we may have a family group gathering again and cook this recipe again soon this really is one tasty recipe you should check it out i guarantee you all you could will require to this its very tasty. This is an amazing recipe. F, as published in the Plenty cookbook. The only changes I made were quartering the eggplants instead of halving my local store didnt have long eggplants and adding a couple squeezes of lemon juice to the buttermilk yogurt sauce to brighten the flavor. The eggplant was served as a side dish and was a hit with my dinner guests. An absolute make again. First as pastry chef Ive spotted the mistake in baking temp. It must be with 2. C or 4. 00. F Now about the recipe itself, luckily Ive put it on top of flavored rice which added to the taste, otherwise there is not much flavor in it. It is in a way a twist of typical Mideastern dish which calls for Tahini Sauce on top of Babaganush which can be done this way, except with a bit of Mayo Lemon Juice Garlic Salt Black Pepper. Much tastier in my opinion. As a devoted Ottolenghi fan, I wanted to love this recipe. I cooked my eggplant at 4. My complaint was with the sauce, which I thought was too thin and was an odd flavor profile. Firstly it is 3. 50 4. F. Secondly if one wants to reduce the calories which we intend to do use an olive oil in a mister so that it is just missted with olive oil. I have the cookbook that contains this recipe and it is indeed 2. London based chef who I cant recommend enough, so cook at 4. F. I hope this helps This is one of the best treatments for eggplant Wonderful flavor with elegant presentation. Theres a misprint for the temp. Roasting eggplant requires a hot oven, so roast at 4. F as someone pointed out earlier, the 2. Centigrade, since the chef is in LondonI so wanted to love it. Visually its beautiful. I think what some others have said must be true 4. Mine tasted pretty raw. Also I served this for dinner with quinoa not an appetizer. With the amount of olive oil you are supposed to add it would be a 4. Simple to make and tasty. I love the sumac spice but the real star of this dish was the yogurt sauce. So I found this recipe to be alright, but kind of on the bland side. Next time I think Ill add more garlic and maybe some more herbs. Also, because of the previous review saying it wasnt actually 2. F, I looked up the original recipe and it actually says 3. F. That seemed to work fine at 3. F it must be 2. C, around 4. F. After 4. 5 minutes at 2. F, eggplant is still essentially raw. Delicious though. Who would. have thought a new way to amaze. As a retired Chef I. Keep. up the good work. How is it possible that NO ONE has reviewed Yotam Ottolenghis divine eggplant sent from heaven Its my honor first let me say that I live 1. Notting Hill, and I have blown a lot of money there. Worth every penny. This eggplant recipe is fab and be altered in 1. If there were one chef to follow on this website, it would be him I hope he never moves to NYC. London would be so lost without his genius PS his choco chip cookies are TDF.