Large bowlmeasuring cupwooden spoonfreezer proof container for storing your leftovers. How to make snow ice cream To start, I filled a huge salad bowl with fresh snow. I probably gathered about 1. My snow was very light and fluffy and impossible to pack. Your snow might be heavier, and you may not need as much as I did. Dont worry too much about being precise. You can always add more snow to your ice cream if need be. We brought our snow into the house to make our ice cream because it was 4. Brrrr Its FREEZING cold here. Once inside, I scooped about half of the snow into a smaller bowl. I wasnt sure how much snow wed actually use, so I figured wed start out with some of it, and add more as needed. How To Make Day Old Bread more. To start, my son sprinkled a tsp of vanilla onto the snow. Then he drizzled half the condensed milk over top. With the wooden spoon, he folded the condensed milk and vanilla into the snow, kind of chopping, stirring and mixing to combine everything. Then we transferred the whole mixture back into the big bowl of remaining snow, and we added the rest of the condensed milk. The condensed milk does not melt the snow, and make it watery. Its quite the opposite, actually. The snow sort of freezes the condensed milk, making it thick and icy. Ok Time for the taste test. We filled up our ice cream bowls and dug in. Oooooh Myyyy It was amazing You couldve knocked me over with a feather. I couldnt believe how good it was. COLD though Holy Moly Much colder than regular ice cream. I guess the 4. 0 temps had something to do with that. I honestly couldnt believe how rich and delicious this ice cream was I know there are other recipes for ice cream snow that you can make with regular milk, but our recipe was so decadent I was glad wed used condensed milk. There was no way we could eat our whole batch of snow ice cream, but I didnt want it to go to waste, plus, I wanted my older son to taste it, and he wouldnt be home for a few hours. We spooned our leftovers into a shallow, freezer proof container with a lid, and patted it all down. Mmmmm doesnt it look delicious We popped it into the freezer, and when my older son came home, I served him some. I didnt tell him what was in it. I wanted him to guess. Hes recently been to Europe, and he raves about the ice cream they have there, so I wondered what his opinion would be of our new recipe. He took a spoonful, and said Oh My What is this Its CRAZY goodHe took a couple of guesses at the ingredients, and when I finally told him it was SNOW, he said NO WAYI said YES Doesnt it taste like French Vanilla Ice Cream, and he replied This is WAY better than any French Vanilla Ice Cream Ive ever had. And there you have it. Snow ice cream. So fun and easy to make, and totally delicious. Im totally sold. It really is amazingMake some with your family before the snow is gone. And let me know what you thinkNote we ate more of our snow ice cream again today. It had frozen rock solid in the freezer over night so I put it in the microwave for about 1. Im happy to report that our snow ice cream was just as delicious today as it was yesterday. Looking for more creative ways to use snow Check out 1. Fun Snow Play Ideas that you likely havent thought of beforeYou may also like Paper Plate Ice Cream Craft. Homemade Creamsicles. Playdough Ice Cream Shop. Get my latest e book Fizz, Pop, Bang Playful Science and Math Activities. Recipes, experiments, art projects, printables and play ideas with links to 8. All for the low price of 9.