Working in small batches a handful at a time, fry potatoes until golden and curling at edges and oil stops bubbling, about 2 minutes. Regulate heat to maintain oil temperature between 3. Transfer chips as fried to a paper towel lined plate to drain and immediately sprinkle with salt. TGI-jalapeno.jpg' alt='Potato Skins Chips' title='Potato Skins Chips' />Latest snack reviews. Still hungry Check out the 100 latest reviews. Chocolate Turtle Apple Wise Ridgies Tailgate Classics Buffalo Wing Brachs Sea Salt Chocolate. Reasons Why You Should Roast Your Potato Peels. It only stands to reason that potato skins long a staple of bars and tailgate parties are delicious in just. Lays Potato Chips are Canadas favourite snack food. Canadas most popular potato chip is even crispier and more irresistible than ever before. Choose from Lays. Get Loaded Potato Skin Dip Recipe from Food Network. With crunchy ridges made to stand up to even the thickest dips, RUFFLES potato chips bring epic flavor and snack satisfaction to any getto. Potato chips are best served the same day but can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature up to 3 days. Potato Wikipedia. Potato. Potato cultivars appear in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes. Scientific classification. Kingdom Plantaeunranked Angiospermsunranked Eudicotsunranked Asterids. Order Solanales. Family Solanaceae. Genus Solanum. Species S. Binomial name. Solanum tuberosum. L. Synonyms1List. Solanum andigenum. Juz. Bukasov. Solanum apurimacense. Vargas. Solanum aquinas. Bukasov. Solanum chiloense. Berthault. Solanum chilotanum. Hawkes. Solanum cultum. Berthault. Solanum diemii. Brcher. Solanum estradae. L. E. Lpez. Solanum fonckii. Phil. Solanum herrerae. Juz. Solanum kesselbrenneri. Juz. Bukasov. Solanum leptostigma. Juz. Buk. Solanum molinae. Juz. Solanum oceanicum. Brcher. Solanum ochoanum. Lechn. Solanum sanmartiniense. Brucher. Solanum subandigena. Hawkes. Solanum tascalense. Brucher. Solanum zykinii. Lechn. The potato is a starchy, tuberouscrop from the perennialnightshade. Solanum tuberosum. The word potato may refer either to the plant itself or to the edible tuber. In the Andes, where the species is indigenous, some other closely related species are cultivated. Potatoes were introduced to Europe in the second half of the 1. Spanish. Potato has become a staple food in many parts of the world and an integral part of much of the worlds food supply. It is the worlds fourth largest food crop, following maize, wheat, and rice. The green leaves and green skins of tubers exposed to the light are toxic. Wild potato species can be found throughout the Americas from the United States to southern Chile. The potato was originally believed to have been domesticated independently in multiple locations,5 but later genetic testing of the wide variety of cultivars and wild species proved a single origin for potatoes in the area of present day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia from a species in the Solanum brevicaule complex, where they were domesticated approximately 7,0. Following millennia of selective breeding, there are now over a thousand different types of potatoes. Over 9. Chile, which have displaced formerly popular varieties from the Andes. However, the local importance of the potato is variable and changing rapidly. It remains an essential crop in Europe especially eastern and central Europe, where per capita production is still the highest in the world, but the most rapid expansion over the past few decades has occurred in southern and eastern Asia. As of 2. 01. 4, China led the world in potato production, and, together with India, produced 3. Etymology. The English word potato comes from Spanish patata the name used in Spain. The Spanish Royal Academy says the Spanish word is a compound of the Tanobatata and the Quechuapapa potato. The name originally referred to a type of sweet potato although the two plants are not closely related in many of the chronicles detailing agriculture and plants, no distinction is made between the two. The 1. 6th century English herbalist John Gerard used the terms bastard potatoes and Virginia potatoes for this species, and referred to sweet potatoes as common potatoes. Potatoes are occasionally referred to as Irish potatoes or white potatoes in the United States, to distinguish them from sweet potatoes. The name spud for a small potato comes from the digging of soil or a hole prior to the planting of potatoes. The word has an unknown origin and was originally c. Latin spad a word root meaning sword cf. Spanish espada, English spade and spadroon. It subsequently transferred over to a variety of digging tools. Around 1. 84. 5, the name transferred to the tuber itself. The origin of the word spud has erroneously been attributed to a 1. Britain, calling itself The Society for the Prevention of an Unwholesome Diet S. P. U. D. 1. 5 It was Mario Peis 1. The Story of Language that can be blamed for the words false origin. Pei writes, the potato, for its part, was in disrepute some centuries ago. Some Englishmen who did not fancy potatoes formed a Society for the Prevention of Unwholesome Diet. The initials of the main words in this title gave rise to spud. Like most other pre 2. Characteristics. Flowers of a potato plant. Potato plants are herbaceous perennials that grow about 6. They bear white, pink, red, blue, or purple flowers with yellow stamens. In general, the tubers of varieties with white flowers have white skins, while those of varieties with colored flowers tend to have pinkish skins. Potatoes are mostly cross pollinated by insects such as bumblebees, which carry pollen from other potato plants, though a substantial amount of self fertilizing occurs as well. Tubers form in response to decreasing day length, although this tendency has been minimized in commercial varieties. How Many Tbs Are In A Cup. After flowering, potato plants produce small green fruits that resemble green cherry tomatoes, each containing about 3. Like all parts of the plant except the tubers, the fruit contain the toxic alkaloidsolanine and are therefore unsuitable for consumption. All new potato varieties are grown from seeds, also called true potato seed, TPS or botanical seed to distinguish it from seed tubers. New varieties grown from seed can be propagated vegetatively by planting tubers, pieces of tubers cut to include at least one or two eyes, or cuttings, a practice used in greenhouses for the production of healthy seed tubers. Plants propagated from tubers are clones of the parent, whereas those propagated from seed produce a range of different varieties. Genetics. There are about 5,0. Three thousand of them are found in the Andes alone, mainly in Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Chile, and Colombia. They belong to eight or nine species, depending on the taxonomic school. Apart from the 5,0. Cross breeding has been done repeatedly to transfer resistances to certain pests and diseases from the gene pool of wild species to the gene pool of cultivated potato species. Genetically modified varieties have met public resistance in the United States and in the European Union. The major species grown worldwide is Solanum tuberosum a tetraploid with 4. There are also four diploid species with 2. S. stenotomum, S. S. goniocalyx, and S. There are two triploid species with 3. S. chaucha and S. There is one pentaploid cultivated species with 6. S. curtilobum. There are two major subspecies of Solanum tuberosum andigena, or Andean and tuberosum, or Chilean. The Andean potato is adapted to the short day conditions prevalent in the mountainous equatorial and tropical regions where it originated the Chilean potato, however, native to the Chilo Archipelago, is adapted to the long day conditions prevalent in the higher latitude region of southern Chile. The International Potato Center, based in Lima, Peru, holds an ISO accredited collection of potato germplasm. The international Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium announced in 2. The potato genome contains 1. More than 9. 9 percent of all current varieties of potatoes currently grown are direct descendants of a subspecies that once grew in the lowlands of south central Chile. Nonetheless, genetic testing of the wide variety of cultivars and wild species affirms that all potato subspecies derive from a single origin in the area of present day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia from a species in the Solanum brevicaule complex. Most modern potatoes grown in North America arrived through European settlement and not independently from the South American sources, although at least one wild potato species, Solanum fendleri, is found as far north as Texas, where it is used in breeding for resistance to a nematode species that attacks cultivated potatoes.