ZfElOQ-KVa0/hqdefault.jpg' alt='How To Make A Roux' title='How To Make A Roux' />FUCHS ROUX INCORPORATED AN ESTABLISHED LAW FIRMWHAT ARE MY OPTIONS Signing an Antenuptial Contract ANC is not the most romantic part of getting married,but it is definitely one of the most important. Our team is dedicated towards helping couples to select and draft an ANC that will provide the couple with themost security and peace of mind in the case of the dissolution of the marriage,whether by death or divorce. A COUPLE HAS THE FOLLOWING OPTIONS In Community of Property. Out of Community of Property with the Accrual. Out of Community of Property without the Accrual. IN COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY Any marriage that is completed without the signing and registration of an Antenuptial. Agreement prior to the marriage of the couple, will automatically be one of in community of property according to South African law. If a marriage is one of in community of property there will be one joint estate after the marriage date,and both parties will be the co executors of the joint estate. All assets and liabilities acquired priorto or after the date of marriage is owned in equal shares by both parties. One of the biggest risks of this option of marriage lies with the mutual liability of both parties for any debt acquired by any one of the parties,especially when one or both of the parties own their own business. Both parties have the right to sellany of the assets of the joint estate with the consent of the other party be it verbal or written. In the case of death of either of the parties the joint estate will fall under the administration of the Executor until it is finalized. If you are looking for an innovative taste experience in a stylish setting Le Venue restaurant is the place to be. Situated at the House of J. C. Le Roux, leading home. Make Your Own StarbucksStyle Sous Vide Egg Bites at Home. If you like those new Sous Vide Egg Bites at Starbucks, youll be happy to know you can easily make. Roux r u is flour and fat cooked together and used to thicken sauces. Best Cast Iron Pans. Roux is typically made from equal parts of flour and fat by weight. The flour is. How to Make a Roux. A roux is a cooked mixture of flour and fat of some type. You can use fat drippings, butter, shortening, or other types of fat. A roux is used as. How To Make A Roux' title='How To Make A Roux' />This often causes many problems that could have been avoided by signing an ANC prior to the marriage. OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PROPERTY WITHOUT THE ACCRUALThis option of marriage requires that both parties must sign an Antenuptial Agreement prior their marriage,and the ANC must be registered within 3 months from signature in the Deeds Office by the Notary. Any assets or liabilities gained or acquired after the date of marriage,will form part of the individual estate of each party. In the event of the dissolvent of the marriage by a divorce,neither one of the parties will share in any assets acquired by a party or in the growth of any of the assets of a party after the date of marriage,as this assets and growth forms part of the individual separate estate of the other party. Neither one of the parties will be liable for the debt of the other party,except if the parties agreed to or signed security for a loan. In event of the dissolvent of the marriage by death of one of the parties,only the estate of the deceased will be placed under the administration of the Executor. This option of marriage must be considered carefully, and depends on the circumstances of the couple. OUT OF COMMUNITY OF PRORPETY WITH THE ACCRUAL If this option of marriage is chosen,an Antenuptial Agreement must also be signed prior to the marriage of the couple and must be registered within. Deeds Office by the Notary. The Antenuptial Contract must specifically state if the assets and liabilities that the parties acquired priorto their marriage are excluded or included from the Accrual. There will be two separate estates after the marriage of the couple. The parties will however share in the growth of the separate estate of the other party, over the full duration of their marriage. In the case that the marriage dissolves by the death of one party or by a divorce,the net estate values of the estates of the parties are determined separately,and the larger estate must then transfer half of the difference to the smaller estate. This option is the most popular choice amongst couples that are getting married for the first time. This is a great option if one of the parties is a business owner,as it protects the assets and also protects the other party form any possible creditors. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to discuss the options in more detail or alternatively make an appointment. We look forward to meeting you and your Mr.